Zehua Jiang
New York University. zehua.jiang@nyu.edu

Hi! I’m Zehua Jiang!
I am currently pursuing my PhD in Computer Science at New York University. Prior to this, I earned my Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at NYU and a Bachelor’s degree from the School of Physics at Sun Yat-sen University. I am a researcher, programmer, traveler, photographer, and video editor.
My research journey at the NYU Game Innovation Lab with Prof. Julian Togelius has been marked by contributions to a range of stimulating projects. My work primarily focuses on procedural content generation (PCG) in games and generating synthetic biometric information (including iris and fingerprint data).
My contact information is listed in the icons below, feel free to contact me anytime!
My name is typically pronounced as “Ze-hua Jiang” in English. Here’s a rough breakdown of the pronunciation:
- “Ze” is pronounced like “zuh” with a soft “z” sound and a slight “uh” sound at the end.
- “hua” is pronounced like “hwa”, with a soft “h” sound and a slight “w” sound at the beginning.
- “Jiang” is pronounced like “jahng”, with a soft “j” sound at the beginning and a nasal “ng” sound at the end.
我是纽约大学计算机科学专业的博士研究生。此前我在纽约大学完成了电子与计算机工程专业的硕士学位,以及在中山大学光电信息科学与工程专业获得学士学位。我是一名研究者、程序员、旅行者、摄影师和视频剪辑师。作为纽约大学游戏创新实验室的一员,在Julian Togelius教授的指导下,我参与的项目包括游戏中程序内容生成(PCG)的研究,以及生物特征信息(包括虹膜和指纹数据)的合成。我的联系方式列在了下方的图标中,欢迎随时与我联系!
Jan 08, 2024 | Passed my qualifying exam! |
Nov 13, 2023 | Became a co-organizer of Special Session on Games at WCCI/CEC2024 |
Aug 22, 2023 | Finished the first tutorial session “Controllable Content Generators via Reinforcement Learning” with Sam Earle in IEEE CoG 2023 |